Thoughts of Moscow…

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America’s Thanksgiving is a Puzzle to Russians…

Was not Thanksgiving itself a traditional harvest feast of the American Indians? That’s an interesting thought…though not a happy one either. I mean, what thanks did the Indians ever get besides plagues, enslavement, banishment, plunder, and practically genocide for teaching their invaders the goodness and abundance of this land?

That is how Russians look at the American tradition of Thanksgiving…

I understand because I never accepted Thanksgiving as a real holiday. At an early age I realized that we celebrated the fact that the Indians saved us only to slaughter them by the millions in return…

But I always liked Thanksgiving for one reason. It was one of the two holidays that I got off regularly. The other was Christmas, but Thanksgiving at the end of my career became too important of a money day so I even lost that day to be thankful for…

This year I will not be thankful for anything that America has been doing. The Libyan escapade was a straw that broke the camels back and I have lost all faith in my government in America. Now that the American government is beating, pepper spraying and harassing people (OWS) all over the country. The TSA is belittling and degrading people at the borders and within. I see nothing to be thankful in America anymore…

But Sveta and I will be thankful in Russia. I even have found a big fat sweet potato to cook and we will have a meal to be thankful for. For in Russia I am freer and more able to express myself than I ever was in America…

That is something to be thankful for…

Kyle and Sveta
Thoughts of Moscow!

Posted by on November 24, 2011.


Categories: news

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  1. […] America’s Thanksgiving is a Puzzle to Russians… ( Tagged heart and soul, humdinger, kitchen sink, new flavor, stupidity. Bookmark the permalink. « Korean leader Kim Jong-il died on December 17, 2011, state television reported on December 19, 2011… Finally – I get to Nurture my Green Thumb in Russia and Sveta is all smiles… » […]

    by Looking out from a Russian Window: Are we worth Saving? - Windows to Russia on Oct 16, 2012 at 7:14 pm

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